The iCon Group

Thailand's No.1 Online Business : Authorized Dealer

Establishing the Root of Success

Establishing the Root of Success

The beautiful blossoms of the big tree we see come from its strong roots.

There is no business in this world that has never been rejected or hasn't encountered people who disagree. It's normal. But those who are unsuccessful don't fail, they quit.

Those who engage in anything new for them, at first, have a belief like a grain of sand, very light. Just a gentle blow, and it flies away. There is a very light belief both in self-confidence, in business, in products, in companies, etc. When hit by the mouth of someone who hasn't succeeded, it flies away very easily.

However, they forget one truth, which is: "What they blow into our minds until we fly away is their opinion in their world of failure... not ours."

If you ask whether successful people encounter rejection or disagreement, I'll tell you it happens a lot. But they know as soon as their own hearts. They act like water to the grain, which doesn't fly away easily. The water here is like strong roots that endure the sun and rain, just like the big tree. I believe that everyone who has beautiful outcomes has strong roots.

The strong roots consist of:

1. Roots of good character (Mindset): At least, fundamentally, they must be good people. You can tell a good person by:

   - Taking care of themselves first before helping others. Because if they can't take care of themselves when they're down, they won't be able to take care of anyone else.

   - Being grateful and helping us grow well without causing pain to their body or mind.

   - Taking care of their own family, ensuring their children, wives, or husbands aren't troubled or saddened.

2. Roots of knowledge: If you want to succeed, you must be an expert. An expert knows and expresses the truth in what they do, which makes us successful. And how often are we in this business, this company, entering Zoom rooms, SoundCloud, IE jobs, or teaching in Line groups?

3. Roots of belief: It must be very strong, or it will fly away with the mouths of others. They have to absorb knowledge like sand absorbs water; it will have weight. And everyone who has results, be it a house, a car, or money, it all comes from a strong belief.

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