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Life Transformation Tale: Which Path Will You Choose?

Life Transformation Tale: Which Path Will You Choose?
If you were standing near a train track and saw a train coming, and there were two tracks, which would you choose if:

  1. One track was operational, and a large group of children were playing on it.
  2. The other track was disused, but one child was playing on it.

Certainly, most people would divert the train to the disused track to reduce the loss, willing to sacrifice one child instead of a large group.
However, from another perspective, the child playing on the active track should already be aware of the "risk" they are taking. They should be cautious since they are on a live track. If we let the train run on this track, these children would likely move away. But for the child on the disused track, who believes it is safe and isn't paying attention, we might lose that child. Moreover, if the disused track is damaged and unusable, allowing the train to pass could result in a major accident involving passengers on the train.
If we compare this to real life, many decisions may not immediately lead us to our goals. However, if we make the wrong choice, we can always choose again because the greatest risk is "not making any decision or taking any action at all."
Opposite to success is "not making any decision or taking any action at all."
Failure is aligned with success because it signifies that "we made a decision and took action." What remains is just standing up, making new decisions, and taking action once again.

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